We can all become flexperts!

“Flex is now seen as an expectation, not a benefit” 

This is a direct quote from a senior leader I worked with recently. He is not alone. It’s on the minds of so many leaders right now. They are concerned that a culture of entitlement is undermining the potential productivity benefits of flexible work.

If we give everyone exactly what people want, when they want it, how do we also have a healthy, connected team culture and still do great work?

When flex is done well we can expect to see benefits in both productivity and wellbeing. We can meet the bulk of employee expectations, while also doing great work within a healthy, connected culture.

Creating the conditions to enable that can feel really tough as a leader. Larger businesses work with me directly to help them, through workshops for senior teams and people leaders. They curate what they need from the flex-team toolkit and they’re on their way to becoming a ‘flexpert’ organisation. 

But what about small businesses and not-for-profit organisations?

As a small business, you don’t have the scale to justify bringing me in if there are only a handful of people leaders who would benefit from the training. Or as a not-for-profit, you don’t have the training budget, even if you do have the scale.

That’s why I’ve created the Flexperts online course. I’m motivated to solve this flex problem and share what I know, so we can all access the benefits and keep moving forward.

Through the online course, you’ll be able to go through the videos and other content I’ve created, which has all been tried and tested hundreds of time, at your own pace at a price point that works for you.

We can all become flexperts, regardless of our context. We can meet the expectations of the workforce without letting go of the need to run a highly productive operation. We can’t simply grant the wishes of every individual, but we can find a way where everyone gets more of what they want while also upholding what we need to do great work and have a healthy connected culture.

Check out my new Flexperts online course and grab yourself a copy of the Flexperts paperback.


Flex is not an entitlement


Connect through your professional purpose