Are you a segmenter or integrator?

In today’s flexible work environment success often comes down to negotiating boundaries between work and home life that work for both you and your manager.

Did you know that there are two quite different ways of thinking about work boundaries? This helps explain why boundary negotiation can often feel like a minefield! Those two approaches are ‘segmentation’ and ‘integration’.

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Boundary theory expert, Yasin Rofcanin, describes how segmenters prefer physical and behavioural boundaries between work and non-work activities. Whereas integrators manage those boundaries in a more porous way.

It’s worth noting that those with higher levels of caring responsibilities outside work, disproportionately women, tend to have a preference for segmentation. Segmenters will experience stress and a feeling of ‘always on’ if they are unsupported with creating physical and behavioural boundaries between work and home.

Getting a conversation going in your team and workplace about preferences for integration or segmentation can be a positive, judgement-free way into how best to manage flexible and remote work arrangements.

You’ll build more empathy within and across teams, avoid burnout and create flexible work arrangements that give you access to the wellbeing and productivity benefits it promises.

Alternatively, get in touch and I’ll facilitate a webinar for your people. There will be space to explore individual preferences and commit to action with a positive impact.


Flexible work isn't always easy!


Boundaries of Freedom